Project contacts

Erik de Haas
Commercial Manager
Amsterdam, 13 June 2019 – Maritime Construction Services (MCS) with its partner DCN Diving announces today, that it has been awarded a major contract in Indonesia by PT Timas Suplindo for execution of an extensive campaign to connect the subsea infrastructure in the Natuna Sea to the subsea gas transport pipelines. Starting August 2019, the MCS flagship ‘MPV Everest’ will be deployed for installation and diving support operations.
The two subsea cranes of the MPV Everest will be used to place various subsea structures. The umbilicals and flexibles will be laid from several reels on the ample, 1,400 m2 deck. Significant time savings will be achieved by making use of the twin-bell Saturation Dive System, enabling the SAT divers to perform their subsea tasks efficiently. In addition to subsea activities, three work class ROV’s will be used to complete the full scope of the project:
• The placement of various subsea structures;
• Installation, and removal of flexible risers;
• Laying of flexibles and umbilicals;
• Measuring/fabricating and tying in spools;
• Connecting the flying leads;
• Performing the pre-pre-commissioning activities (FCG, pigging, and dewatering, etc.).
Anton Shishkarev, Director of MCS says: “With our technological powerhouse the MPV Everest, it is easy to overlook that without the right people it is all just machines and steel. We are therefore grateful to Timas for recognizing the value of our top-class team on this project. Crane Operators, SAT Divers, ROV Pilots, Supervisors, and many more, all working together to deliver on our Client’s expectations and our mutual success. We are all looking forward to successful cooperation and operation.”
Download the full press release here:
Press Release MCS Wins Major Subsea Installation Contract in Indonesia.pdf
Erik de Haas
Commercial Manager